August 18, 2017
Check out the fantastic visual music adventures Joanna encountered when she hit up Riverfest Elora 2017! Day 1 features well known Canadian rockers Monster Truck headlining with support by another Canadian rock band Mother Mother. Other performances include: Little Scream, Saya, SamiTO, Safe As Houses.
August 19, 2017
Day 2 Joanna nor I could make it out to the festivities, so she had another photographer cover the festivities. This one features performance visuals by: The Dirty Nil, Odd Years, Tara Beier, Shred Kelly, MGMT, Hollerado, Saturdae Jonez and Dj Jazzy Jeff.
August 20, 2017
Wrapping up the 2017 RIVERFEST ELORA the bands featured on Day 3 were USS, Sloan, Gogol Bordello, Pocket Dwellers, and more! Be sure to check out www.riverfestelora.com for more info on next years festivities!