Yup, it's definitley the 90's again! All of our favourite Disney movies from the 1990's have been or will be released this year. Next on the docket, is the live action version of The Lion King in theatres July 19th. Yes, we spelt favourite correctly, to all our American friends, we keep the U, in the world like the British and pretty much everyone around the world except ya'll. Below you will find a nifty little behind the scenes featurette, released on July 2nd by Disney for your eyes and we would have published this sooner, had the clip downloaded faster.
This film looks incredible already, I predict many Oscar nominations and wins, hand down a clean sweep! Oh we also added the trailer for your viewing pleasure, we'll update this page with all things Lion King so keep checking it out before the release date. We wish you a fabulous Independence Day America and here is a little gift from Disney for everyone to celebrate with.